— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From the former owners we got the German Shepherd Greta. Specifically, I asked her to leave because the owner was going to give the dog either to the village, the neighbor, or the dormitory. He just didn’t know where to put her, and I was afraid that Greta would fall into bad hands.

All her long life, and she is now nine years old, the dog has been sitting on a heavy meter chain behind a high fence. No one taught her, no one taught her. They didn’t eat too much, softly speaking. However, this attitude to dogs for many is considered normal. A guard and a point.

Immediately behind our house, thick plantations of wild apples and strawberries begin. I started driving Greta there on a leash. The dog just went crazy! She saw the world for the first time.

In landings, she began to understand simple commands, learned to walk on a lead, run, jump and chase butterflies. I tried to recover the lost.

I always knew that German Shepherds were incredibly clever, but once Greta just struck me. In the evening we sit on the stairs. It is warm, calm and smells of flowers. Worked in the garden, drank tea – idyllia! The daughter of Masha has been out with new girlfriends and also sits, rests. Greta approached and sat next to Masha. I sat for five minutes, clinging to her. Then suddenly I got up and looked critically at my daughter. Again approached and carefully, with gentle care, began to remove the baby’s ripe. With a sleeve, a pair of pants, a pair of shoes. He brushes his teeth and folds on the ground. She brought the child in order, looked carefully at Mania, then all of us, adults. I say :

“Smart girl, beautiful girl, good Greta! There is no water, you can rest.

I swallowed the fox, and it calmly stretched out at our feet.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna