— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Families in the house have a speaking cat and a speaking cat.

Kesha is. When the cat is hungry, it comes to the kitchen and starts.

Asking for food. The housewife tells the children, “Anyone, feed them.”

She does not have time to do this and the function of feeding Khushita.

It lies on children. One day about Xusha all forgot, everyone was not before her,

No one fed her, and the cat, remembering his hunting instincts, decided

Catch Kesha sitting in a cage. In a cage with a yagup,

Xusha pushed her leg between the sticks and tried to catch the proud bird.

The poor bird stumbled into the furthest corner of the cage and cried hysterically.

The whole apartment: “Feed the baby!!! Whoever – feed the baby!“!”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna