— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 49 - ]

NAHA07: Could we meet? =) is
V.A.GGo with you, shame on the people.
by NAHA07:? to
V.A.G: Oh, forgive me, I’m so wrong))Prasty native will not repeat
NAHA07: No, you are lying, you really wanted to write this to me???? to
V.A.G: No bl* yourself mja such a carve and nothing you write
NAHA07: Who is it?? to
V.A.G: Bl* forgive))) Again the window mistake, I am writing here with my sister so in the ass)
The hour has passed. *
I have almost everything on the net!!No class, and you?
V.A.G. I have PPS, all day apart from you absolutely no one (

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna