— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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As a student, I went on a blind date for the first time. We agreed to take a walk in the park. For safety, so that you can hit at any time. Few of us are maniacs.

Because of my inexperience, I could not come up with a topic to start the conversation, but Arthem was not confused:

Did you know that smoking grass is much less harmful than roasting? There is no dependency on the grass.

In two hours of walking I learned everything: Artem painted the formula of the active substance of the grass on the sand, took the example of himself, showed photos of smoking friends, resented that the grass is prohibited, and there is no alcohol. During the whole walk, I said five words.

In the evening, he warmly said goodbye to me, promising to call me the next time I get something to smoke.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna