— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was in the eighth class. On the shift, in the hallway, two of my classmates, Vasa and Vanya, were throwing an apple at each other. Vasya threw an apple into Vanya, Vanya turned around and the apple hit the window, naturally, breaking it.

At the time, large glass, like everything else, was in deficit in the Soviet country. Therefore, we all the class decided not to give you and go into a deaf unconsciousness during the breakdown. We had no doubts for a minute. They did not know in what form.

However, the answer did not wait long. After the school's management found a broken window, the two teachers began to foolishly bypass all classes during the lesson, asking one question: "Who broke the window? “”

Then came the turn of our class. As I remember now, it was in a biology lesson. He comes in with his colleagues and asks, “Who broke the window? “”

I have to say that Vasya sat behind the last batch in the middle row.

No, you don’t think we’re like goats and deliberately gave you up. Everyone was curious about how Vasa would behave.

So, after the question, they all quietly looked at you.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna