— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Where is the rhythm?by :

The moment when the rhythm went well. The girl prescribed vaginal candles, went to put. She screams:
by Zhao! I lost her! I cannot touch. Where is she?
In the PI!@ and de!

" she" - " she"@&de!" - not the most successful rhythm.
A joke on the subject:
Lieutenant Rzhevsky told the cornet:
A clipper floats, a skipper on a clipper, a tripper on a skipper.
Cornet, coming to the barracks, decided to flash:
The Lord! I was told today by Lieutenant Rzhevsky's hallowed calambur...
In short, literally I don’t remember, but the meaning is this: The barge is floating, and
There is a syphilis!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna