— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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>> and now it’s still now that the television has its old. How to remove it now is unclear - it has already been removed from the community :((
> and I told you - a third-caliber breastplate made to fool you and for a month will not be enough.

Not so stupid. Rapidly realized that one prostitution will not make a living, you need to connect pressure, blackmail and extortion. “If you don’t get married and don’t endure her growing fuck all your life, providing her royal cravings in the sweat of the face in exchange for whispers, scandals and sex twice a year, then we’re here for you!”“No, right, vanilla, you don’t mind doing this shit? This is another biological subspecies, something like the ancestors of the sacculin. The male is a guppy, the female is a sucker. Parasitize on Homo sapiens, try to pump out money, and reproduce with each other - all signs of the beginning of the department of the subspecies. If belonging to Homo sapiens is not so important to you - confess it honestly, you can buy a doll with yours or have a faithful dog at the grave of life. At least it would be fair.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna