— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ]
Army of Dolboebundesvere.

I sell a laptop. Somebody writes with the nick "Seller" (as it turns out later - a woman), convincing me to sell this new, out of a box device somewhere a quarter cheaper. I ask for an argument (no too much).

The answer is worthy of all possible annals of history:
"Please let me explain. In Russia, all laptops are obsolete. The fact that it is new, as you think, does not make it modern. Last year, a multi-core processor was invented, not 2 or 4, but multi, and it is impossible to hack it. As they say, the Stone Age did not end because the stones did not end. With respect, % is %".

I didn’t have the strength to slip under the table.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna