— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Unwashed men

I will tell you the secret alone. Guys listen to me. The more cared for a woman (a man, however, too), the greater the likelihood that she is very rude. This is generally the cause and effect, laxity -> elimination of the cause of irritation -> care. Painful manifestations, such as washing hands every 10 minutes, are not taken into account.
You know, it is very difficult to experience excitement when you spend all your energy in suppressing the vomiting reflex. Some sort of non-sexual mood attacks when all you can think about is, “How can you do so that you don’t touch this ugliness?”and "

Lustfulness is the oldest defense mechanism that ensured our survival. Especially for healthy offspring. So, dear men (and women), no matter how red you are, your prince/princess will run away from you rushing to the top if your pimples, odor, or hairiness coincide with the source of his craziness. Just accept this.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna