— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Most people probably had times, especially in the 90s, when the family had a complete financial collapse. My family didn’t get away with it, and when I was 9 or 13, my family lived very poorly. My father, an engineer, worked as hard as he could so that we could bring ends to ends and at least get a decent education. My mother worked in culture and had no salary for the rest of her life. It was mainly eaten from the garden. Well, that is, potatoes and onions... onions and potatoes... ucroopchik! It was normal in the summer. In the winter the ass.

Sometimes we had a cabbage in the refrigerator. My father tried to buy this expensive delicacy. He could not touch her. When she appeared, only one phrase was pronounced: “This is for a holiday! “We were looking forward to this celebration. New Year, March 8th, the birthday of the family, it was the day of sausage. Taboo is not to be touched.

years have passed. I normally make money, I can afford to buy this sausage in a day. And indeed, with regular purchases at the TC, I periodically take my favorite serviette.

But...where inside me, this “It’s for a holiday” has been postponed until now... That child inside me doesn’t pay attention to the sausage in the refrigerator. And very often the sausage in the refrigerator dries out, or breaks down. It can lie for two to three months and it will remain untouched... It may even accumulate a few sticks...

Well, when friends come, and the same party begins! ;)

All are good! And friends!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna