— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ]
xxx: repair our department of economic sciences
xxx: dust, dirt, ruin, desolation, "currrrrrrrva" spread from the clubs of whites
I went to Robert.
Robert will turn off the computer.
XXX is not. His mother is a supercomputer. Two in the universe of such, the other in the department of applied physics.
Robert collected data for two years and beat computer time for another two months. He loaded terabytes of data there and threatened to solve the puzzle of short-term currency hikes. The computer was running for a day and 33% completed the operation. Nobel is not beyond the mountains.
XXX: There are some plebeys with paper.
xxx: When I went in, he embraced the computer and threatened to burn here all the heroes that the leadership puts on the advancement of economic science.
XXX: What is it?
The times are changing, but the persecution of thinkers is only taking more and more perverted forms.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna