— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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On the subject of names...

In 94 we moved from a military town in the depths to Minsk. Since the house was still rented, and we were already expelled from the office housing, we lived with my aunt in the village. The times were hungry and poor, but I was given a cup of sweets. The choice in the store was modest, but it is wrong to complain. My attention was attracted by a mushroom of baked beets with a glaze on the hat. Cheap and angry. Hopping through the price card, I gave the seller a coin with the words:"Give me candlestick mushrooms". The saleswoman surprisingly raised her eyebrows, but knowing that I was a tribe of the director of the school, I did not dare to argue. As a result, after a month, everyone bought the mysterious fungus candritis and did not freeze.

The fact that everything is not so, I understood already seven years later, finding the same delight in Minsk with the price "Gribb condit.". I was very surprised that the mushroom turned out to be confectionery. It quickly fell out of his head.

And after a fifth year, I went to my aunt and when I went to the store, I saw a price note with the inscription "Candrit Mushroom". With a laugh asked the seller (already a commercial store) what "candrit" is. And she showed me a box with the label, where it was written: "Candrit Mushroom". To say that my eyes came out on my forehead - nothing to say. I called the manufacturer and asked. As I explained - since the name was invented by the consumers themselves, the manufacturer has adapted...

And you say the names are incomprehensible :) Those who are interested - look in the surroundings of Rudenska :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna