— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The road is wide and there are no cars on both sides. I, a phlegmatic high school student and a shabby kindergarten, stop at the red.
Younger: Let’s go?
The oldest: Noah, see the red light.
A grandmother comes with a truck and rushes across the road. The guys seem to be continuing a game.
The younger, is it a pity?
Elder: Grandma is old, she is old... No, it’s not a pity.
On the other side of the road crosses a thick uncle.
Younger: Isn’t it a pity?
Old man: You, look how thick he is, it's a pity to shoot down such a car.
I take a step from the sidewalk. The younger man immediately pointed to me with his hand.
The youngest: MMM
The oldest: Beautiful... once went on red, it means stupid.
Younger: Isn’t it a pity?
It’s a pity, even as a pity. Beautiful and stupid, just what you need, brother, what you need.
and :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna