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According to a survey, the number of Russians who feel happy has reached 85%, which is the highest in sociological measurements since 1990. According to sociologists, the level of happiness of Russians, by subjective sensations, reached 85%. At the same time, the main reasons for their happiness are called family, children and strong health. It is noteworthy that a high percentage of happy people is recorded in all socio-demographic groups.
Psychologist Natalia Varskaya believes that such results of the sociological study can be explained by an increase in the number of people who have become more educated and do not tell every person about their problems.

“We have really changed the model of behavior, it has become closer to the Western one, where people always have everything okay. It is not common to tell everyone about their problems there. We have adopted this practice, I see nothing bad in it. Therefore, to say that our society is totally happy, I’t.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna