— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A couple returned from the funeral of their uncle George, who had lived with them for 20 years. He was so bored that he barely destroyed their family.
“I want to tell you something, dear,” said the man. “If it wasn’t for my love for you, I’t have endured your uncle George for a day. I'm sorry, but it's good that he finally went to a different world.
My uncle? The woman shouted in horror. I thought Uncle George was your uncle.
(The funny anecdote)

Today I am half a century old. It sounds awful as if it’s not about me.
We sit in the kitchen, we celebrate, we cut the cake. The son carried the plates and stumbled onto a small black platter. In fact, this taboote always angered me, it had to be thrown out for a long time. You cannot stand on it - it will collapse, sitting - too uncomfortable - too low. It’s meaningless, just talking under my feet. And why do we endure it for so many years and do not throw it away?
Yura wiped his broken leg, raised the taburet and said dissatisfied:

Does this collapse us? What to do with her? And in the dark you can get even worse and break your head. Maybe we’ll throw it out, right?

I just wanted to agree with my son, but my wife spoke:

No, Jura, this taboo cannot be thrown away. Tell me why?
- Exactly forty-nine years ago, when my dad was a year old, his father, your grandfather, made this taboo with his own hands, so it is already a family relic.

I included here:

Shura, what about this taboo? Yes, my dad broke up a similar taboo in my childhood, but it was in another life and in Lviv. What does this shit have to do with?
“For a moment, I remember it all very well – in the ninety-eighth, when we rented our first apartment at a bearded grandmother in Warsaw, you told me this story, about this table. That’s why we took it when we moved.
Why did you decide what about this?! to
You were sitting there when I told you. This is fucking. I even repaired it once when it broke. So that you do not notice.
"That's why I always thought, 'Why is this my wife attracted from my parents and dragging this meaningless taboo on the rental apartments? And so things are unprovoked, in "Gazel" do not enter" and ask, for some reason, did not think.

Talk to your wife more often, so that you don’t spit on other people’s tables for the rest of your life.
Forgive us, bearded grandmother, we did not steal her from evil.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna