— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was ten years ago. My acquaintance began to worry about tooth pain.
The day, the second, nothing passes, but only increases her torment.
I went to fashion dentistry. There a young and competent doctor treated her very carefully, took a panoramic photo, and made a disappointing verdict: it is necessary to urgently remove 5 or 6 teeth, conduct active medication, and then put implants and prosthetics. Esculap noted in particular: it was well said that I still had time to turn, until the full paragraph on the flight script came. In short, it can still be saved, but it has to start yesterday!
of tears.

The disease was saved by the lack of money.
This nuance made her go to the dental clinic easier. There, the grandmother fixed her glasses and looked into the mouth of the sufferer. The elderly doctor did not have to fly to the Maldives and buy a new Mercedes, so she by the way pulled out a fish bone from the swollen gums of the patient, then struck in turn with the "example" of her tip all the match, advised a couple of times to rinse her mouth with a solution of soda (a teaspoon on a glass of water).
So my acquaintance left without new teeth. His for now.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna