— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Mr. X: It is funny when 30-year-olds are called aunt and aunt even younger than 20-year-olds. They think that 30 years is a lot and so far... 10 years are flashy, but the realization of this comes when you’re well over 40 years.

Mr. W: Sleeping is not age, but the state of the brain. One in thirty already heads the design bureau, and in 33 - the deputy commission of aviation industry. Another 29th Minister of Communications of Russia, and not to say that implausible. Third to 32, when she became the prosecutor of Crimea, had time to transplant the banducks and get problems with the facial nerve for this. Then, indeed, it turned out that she was also a fool, but a fool, not a snub.

And others at 60 behave like children. All people are different. And if the understanding of this did not come to 25, it will not come to 40.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna