— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Listen, unlike a woman, a normal man understands that beating and inflicting bodily injury is an article and therefore does not allow it in any state. If you have other acquaintances, well, you chose them yourself.
Enough is enough. You like the guy - well, give him, and there it will work out. Stop shaking over your whisper, as if this is a treasure out of the earth.

Now, man, turn the situation around. You are a botanist with poor physical performance, and you are beaten by a cliny girl, which is the embodiment of Brianna Tart. This is how her roof collapsed. Well, how, will you act according to the same scheme proposed by you "you like it - fuck, and there how will it go"? In addition to the fact that it causes a reaction in you up to a vomiting reflex?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna