— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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For the second week in Canada (and the United States) the name of Omar Khadr does not appear in the newspapers. I repeat, because the story is very indicative.

Omar is an Afghan, born in Canada. His father-in-law, like hundreds of thousands of other “refugees,” was accepted in the country of a clerical government with open arms. As it turned out, he lived on benefits, and was mainly engaged in organizing the fight against the unbelievers. Those who lived and paid for it. And then, having obtained citizenship, the family washed back, to the rich and free Afghanistan. Here is retreat. Such pseudo citizens, which, according to different estimates, thousands of 400. They live mainly in the Middle East and India. They have been there for decades, cheering fun with taxes and treatments, but when they are taken care of, they instantly get their legacy passports and flee, confused in chairs, to the embassies to rescue. They are being saved, fucking!

So, when Omarchik hit 15 (and it was 2002), the Americans entered Afghanistan (well they didn’t go in?). The Hadrov family stood up to fight the invaders (I will not say anything here). Omar participated in the battle, and a grenade killed one and blinded another American. He himself was caught. “The Communists caught a boy, dragged him into the KGB; confess, who gave you the book, the guide to the underground struggle?”
The pioneer-hero immediately began to squeeze rights about Canadian citizenship. The Americans were not confused, and the boy was imprisoned in Guantanamo. It was in Canada. The same, instead of depriving the idiot of citizenship for terrorism, just pretended that everything was okay.
Omar has been there for 10 years. The newspapers write that these were years of torture, hunger and humiliation. I do not know. But in the pictures he looks like a fitness instructor.
Missing the details, I will say that he was then transferred to Canada, where... and released a year later.

The Canadian government has officially apologized. And will pay the unfortunate orphan ten and a half million dollars. Actually everything.
and yes. The widow of the sergeant killed by Omar, as well as the soldier blinded by him, try to initiate counter-claims. Canadian veterans are deaf. But who, fucking, cares about these shortcomings. The important thing is that justice triumphs, right?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna