— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The girlfriend married a military and went to live in the tundra. I found a job in part, got permission to secrecy. Following her words.

I sit, I say, I don’t touch anyone. The chief applies and warns that it is necessary to surrender the border to the regime officers, because the admission obliges. Nook, I think I should – give up, I didn’t have a rebirth. A week passes, the boss catches me in the hallway and terribly asks:

Why has the passport not been handed over yet?

So I do not have him. at all. never did.

The chief scratches the tail and gives:

Do it and give up. There is an order – it must be executed!

My girlfriend is still laughing. I’t be surprised if they really do.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna