— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I also read Figo.
I would also be upset if my husband wrote our apartment for my mom. We’ve been together for 15 years, nine of them are married. While he was doing a career, I gave birth to a child and sat in a decree for two years. Then I was not taken to work with my diploma of a good universe because you will sit a lot with such a small child in the hospital. And his attention, with the diploma of agriculture, was taken without problems. So I went to work where I got, for 20 to an economist. She worked for two years, and he already has 40 k. He does not run to the hospitals once a month. My husband never blamed me. When I still arranged for the specialty, the SP did not give a big, because the special. No experience, and also delayed three months for payments. In general, we took the mortgage while living on my husband's ZP. But in order for him to make money, I provided him with conditions. So I consider myself a full-fledged partner and have the same rights on real estate.
And so I have a salary more than him for 2.5 years and again we do not count, everything in common.
It is necessary to take into account the intangible contribution of women to the general family life.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna