— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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He mentioned the t. "Friendship and Family" That is, the husband is present at the wife's birth. Explain, what is the sacred meaning of this presence? After all, the birth takes a brigade of professional doctors, specially trained for this. Each of them is in its place. And the husband, on the contrary, in most cases does not understand anything about these issues. He can’t help, and he doesn’t need it.

The attitude of doctors to the childbirth (profdeformation) is often at least pofigistic (and I am not yet living in Russia). Despite the fact that she is very painful, they usually have two criteria "no or you do not die" and "urgent and operational, she dies". Mommy herself cannot help and call for help in the midst of clashes with the dropless, forces usually require little, can not respond to the hassle. Therefore, it is very important that there is someone close but not hysterical. Naturally, if the husband is not such he is not suitable. I give birth to a girlfriend, a girlfriend gives birth to a husband. All are happy.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna