— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Ten years ago in our amateur football team at the tournament played a guy, very even played well. As it turned out, the former professional hockey player, as if even had time to play for Salavat Yulia.

And here I was told a story about him. He went for a visit to a town. At the airport he is met by a representative of the team with a sign in his hands, on which is written its name (team). Go to base. On the same day, training and giving him... a football shirt in front of her. The WTF? ? to ? to Well, in principle, this is not new for the guy, his hockey team practiced training in the form of football.

They go to the field, play a two-sided game, after which they say to him, "You arrange us, we take you." He is so shocked, “What, you won’t even see me on the hockey court? ? to ? “

There are two teams in the city with the same name, football and hockey. But he still chose hockey.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna