— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I once, after drinking a beer and moving in the metropolitan subway, realized that I would drop down and not even have time to get up to the surface.

The urine that hit the head worked out the situation faster than the brain. And I understand with horror that I have already approached a group of police officers with a dog and horribly filled my eyebrows already asked, "So, who is the chief here?"

They stopped talking about life and smiling. They matched. One stumbled and threw, “Well, what’s the matter?”

– Let’s go, for two words – I also said seriously.

When we departed a couple of meters, so that it was not so heard, but it was still perfectly visible as the remaining group laid the combat hands on the special means, and the faithful dog took the stand... I already with a complaining voice asked: "Commandor, let go to the service toilet, and then I hear even to the middle of the escalator I will not bring..."

A serious, rude guard of order led me into the room, along the passage along the roads... and for a whole minute I cheered joyfully and restrained the pleasant mourning from the greatest shame in my life. At the exit, I thought that it would be better to thank a good fighter for universal safety and now even cleanliness. And he tried to give him a note equal to the cost of cleaning his pants... But the man in the shirt also seriously rejected the offer and asked for documents, adding to his mouths in half the voices "because there are cameras around..."

And I took a quick and easy step toward the escalators, and a senior law enforcement group joined his team. And at the escalator, I was struck by a friendly, bay-like squadron and even looked like a dog.

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