— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The bad Google.
The patient looked extremely normal, a routine operation, a simple young 65-year-old man.
The beginning of the conversation did not predict anything unusual, I went through his tests and ECG, reviewed the medications, asked when he was taking them for the last time, examined him for anesthesia.
Everything is standard.
He began explaining the drug plan.
And somewhere on his second question I realized that something was wrong...
The man explained on my professional jargon, applying it competently and in place.
I interrupted myself in half a word and asked, is he not a doctor?
A retired engineer.
Engineers are smart people, literate - but not to the same extent!
The feeling was unrealistic - as if I was talking to a colleague, question-answer, more questions and all he knows, asks everything on the matter, systematically and thoroughly.
So, where does this knowledge come from, man, ever, I am already whispering.
The short answer is Google, the skillful use of it by a very literate and insightful man.
My examination was delayed, it took twice as much time as I had spent, I turned all my hardships and skills out of hand, on, man, enjoy, turned to his wife, if she had any questions.
She ironically looked at her husband, me - after your dialogue, no questions, you've changed everything here, thank you for your patience, it's not always easy to endure, I've been listening for 40 years and I'm amazed by the enthusiasm.
I write appointments.
The surgeon approaches and begins to explain his part of the work.
This is where the circus has started!
The patient knew everything about the operation.
And what catheters and what alternative routes and what complications, no, it doesn’t happen, he has accumulated mountains of knowledge in the ugly Google, mountains!
They would talk for a long time, but I intervened quite decisively, joking that we would spend more time talking than operating!
And what do you think?! to
He hit the point, we shot in 25 minutes, successfully, with a soft landing in the wake-up room.
I went out to my wife, reassured her, everything was okay, everything went according to Google, that is, the standards of treatment.
I went to my office with a strong desire to drink something stronger.
Uncomfortable this feeling - the exposure of the wonders of the wizard, no mysticism or there are secrets, play in the open, bluff or bullying does not go through.
Oh, Google-Google, what you, such a fool, made, broke the ocean from my mysterious specialty, you will have to re-qualify in old age to management!
Or a dog trainer.
Good luck to all of you, googlers and googlers!

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