— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Telepathy with the cosmos, or communication with external forces of good. The year 1991. My friend Marat and I (hello if you read) wrote reports about dismissal from the armed forces. How to get bread urgently. Looking for work. I found. Rostov-on-Don Theatre of Muse. and comedy. We were taken – a friend of the work scene, I am the head of the assembly shop. Working scenes people 5-6, all former "ballet" (at 30 or 35 years of retirement), all "drinkers". One of the workers named Felix, not a ballet worker, was as if not of this world. He probably had schizophrenia, quiet and not dangerous. At the full moon he spoke not as usual, that is, everything was right, but the look – he was scared. Just in an inexplicable way staying with him two was not something that was awful, but somehow referential. Felix was a beautiful man (the dream of any woman), under 2 meters, pumped, black curls, a mordacha of early Kirkorov, a polished speech, like a professor's son. He was the only worker who did not squeeze, did not drink alcoholic beverages, on whom you can always rely 100% that any task will be accomplished. And here one day the working day began with the fact that Felix put a motorcycle helmet on his head and worked in it almost the whole day, despite the fact that it was very hot from physical work, and from under the helmet the sweat licked. We treated his equipment calmly, not with a tail, but a little, another leap, without threatening the world around him. An hour before the end of the working day we raised a large detail of the decoration, which is attached to a healthy metal pipe (stanket), which is lowered and raised under the ceiling by hand with wires. So, the wire broke, and the entire structure from above crashed onto the stage. The dust, the dust. Luckily, everyone remained alive and almost healthy – a little bit hit the skin on the hands and faces, but the two got well: one worker’s wire hit the leg – a deep intersection, and the second (This was Felix!!!) – in the head, and if expressed in the legal language – in the casket!! in his head. Felix never wore a helmet again, and nothing fell from the ceiling. Felix was observed, not every angel from heaven sends SMS with instructions on survival.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna