— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Ten years ago, I went to the metro with my classmates. On the shoulder a bag with two pockets. I’m used to crawling into one of them, picking up a card, showing my aunt, wearing my jacket in my pocket and going through. I was somewhat surprised by the expression of my aunt’s face, looking at me and my card. But I think it’s not enough... Standing on the escalator, I pull a card out of my jacket pocket so that I can put it in my bag. I decide to look at her. And together with my friends I see that this is not a card. I confused the bag. There was a bunch of cards in that pocket. In my hand is a worm.

There is no scene. I, having a little deal with myself, ask my friends:

What about aunt? ! to Why did she miss me? ! to

One of them said very calmly:

Who knows them in the metro? Per the worms are cows today? ... →

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna