— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I work as a taxi driver. A woman in her 40s was in the car, she said she went, cash-free, but one circumstance made me stop and look at the client (K) a little more closely.

Five minutes before that I called the client and the phone was taken by the man (M), who told me that they were already out.

I'm sorry to bother, but are you going alone?

K is Yes!

I – Where are we going with you?

It is written there, read it!

I – Let’s repeat it out loud.

Q. Who are you to tell you something, Gandalf? Your business is small - hold on to the driving, pedals throw.

I am a second, I need to call urgently.

Hello again, when are you going out?

M – We’re already coming down, don’t rush me, can’t you wait?

I’m here... Come down, you’ll see.

The man and the child went out, opened the door, saw the grandmother, closed the door, took the phone, compared the numbers, opened my door -

M – Who is this?

I don’t know, I want to take a taxi! At your expense.

At this time, the woman jumped out of the car and ran into the courtyard, simultaneously grabbing my booster (children's seat), which she threw out a couple of meters away.

M – What was it?

I am Exacerbation... I said and went to pick up a booster.

M. You have a hard job.

In principle, like everyone else, I’m just lucky with them.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna