— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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came to eat. The establishment is not the coolest, but with a claim. In the bathroom everything shines and type of design. For the hands is not a dryer or there paper wipes, but small soft one-time towels. True, MJ is not separated, only one sham, and it turned out to be busy. While I wrapped the pumpkin in a stupor, a luxurious madam floated out of the mansion, pulled a body past me, squeezed in the cracks between the tiles, and went into the hall, irrigated with a pound of contempt and the smell of an expensive perfume on top of the obsolete smell of natural origin.

by Fuck! Entering, he found a fresh formation on the water surface, shamefully covered with a handful of towels. Having completed the planned, he went into the room.

I see, in the far corner, the lady in the company. I approached and said, “Don’t worry! I am following you!” He left for his table.

You would see their roots! :)

In general, if I suddenly disappear, in my death I ask to blame the Shrek O.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna