— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Cake: One thing is to choose based on any qualities, and another is based on social prejudices. The second is unacceptable in modern society and violates human rights. Employer - does not mean God or the ruler of the world, he is obliged to respect the rights of people
Employer: And my right for my money to look at a cute white face and not see a bearded face who will respect it?
You do not have that right. People are not divided into types of faces, all are equal
DIS: "White face" is something new! It would be fine red or there shallow, youthful, cared for, etc. The hair is usually white. Or do I not know Russian either?
You didn’t understand, this is the face that smokes Whitemore!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna