— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The story of my sister.
She sent her mom, in the same way - the association, to Eburg in a new branch, there, to put the work and that everything was under control. Mission for a few months.
My husband lost his phone. I was in a hurry, but I lost the fact.
Found some passing ebourgeois, picked up, searched for contacts (without a password was) and found "daughter". Called, so and so said, found a cell phone, here I call, in order to return.
A girl in another city, a thousand kilometers away, was confused.
I call my sister, “Aunt people, what do I do?”
The sister calls the newly appointed director of the branch, explains the situation and says blowing on the car for the phone, with a box of candy.
The bourgeois stood and waited all this time, and refused the candy box.
I said, would you not do the same?
You say, they are all worthless. There are still normal people, and most of us ;)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna