— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Tell me, as a lawyer, mathematics
Well, shit, the time for free consultations has begun. What have you?
If a guy is seventeen, a girl is fifteen, and they have sex, is that not a crime?
WOW : No. Who are you worried about?
HH: I am asking in principle. And if he is nineteen, and she is fifteen, is it a crime?
WOW: I don’t remember exactly, but I thought there was an explanation of WOW that with a difference of less than four years it doesn’t count.
XHH: is well. He is 21 and he is 15?
Yes, it is a crime! 134th part first. Have you found a child?
I am telling you, I am asking in principle. I don’t remember to have a member from 17 to 20 years of age somehow radically grown, why then at 17 you can, and at 20 you can’t? Where is logic?
WOW: Consider this the law of protection of competition.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna