— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The problem, then, is that the watchdog does not give permissions precisely by seeking a law by which she can refuse.

This is not the problem, but the problem of the heroine. In working hours, lawyers are looking for laws, and officials are looking for nothing, they have everything found and written. In general, the work of the official consists in accepting one new document (for example, a statement), checking its correctness (compliance with the established form, the number and order of items, the coincidence of the invoice with existing documents, which are attached by the applicant to the application in a different amount) and in exchange to issue another document (permission) of the established form. There is no freedom of creation. If the permission should be the original text, it goes there from statement word to word, there is no other way in the bureaucratic machine.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna