— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was in 2001 or 2002. I worked in a computer club. For business, and just for "cruelty" bought a cell phone Siemens A50.

At the very beginning of autumn, because of the cold, decided to buy an autumn jacket on the Chinese market (at the time, the largest choice was there).

We go with my future wife in the rows, looking for a coat of a suitable style, as suddenly a call from a colleague (by the combination of a groupmate) that he can not go out tonight because of some unexpected plans. In the course of the conversation, my wife and I go on in the rows, as she suddenly pulls me by the sleeve, like a posture. I am still standing and talking on the phone.

The Chinese runs and begins to actively show his goods, as they say in the face, to get something and offer to sample.

I show one of the models, continuing to talk.

When I finished, I talked to a colleague. I stop the dialogue (I understand that the price is already being traded):

Seller: - Fuck the boss, I can’t!

I am: four hundred This is maximum.

Seller: Seventy hundred pounds!

I (wife): Let’s go see again.

The seller (with a deep breath): take it! A long tirade on the native language.

I am satisfied with the jacket exactly as I wanted, the price is extremely low, given the normal quality.

My wife and I go away a little, she laughs.

I ask what happened. It turned out that while I was talking to a colleague, she asked for the price. The price was 950 rubles. At the moment when the seller said the price, I said to a colleague, “Are you sick? “What was taken to their address. The answer was “eight hundred.”

Thus, continuing to argue over the phone, I lowered the price of the jacket to 500, i.e. to the cost of starting the conscious, on my part, deals.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna