— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Summerskeyl brings another – really crazy – story. Dr. Lane was married to the sister of George Drisdale, who suffered from an incurable and secretly tormented illness. According to the idea of the time, Drisdale would sooner or later lose his clarity of mind, become sluggish and helpless, and the thought of this so tormented him that he inscended his own suicide in order not to become a burden to his family. Then, however, he returned and even learned to be a doctor, because there was finally a doctor who helped Drisdale. George's disease was masturbation, and that doctor offered the patient to try sex, and as a hand removed.

For Drisdale, the connection between masturbation and sex was completely unclear, many doctors too, and all of them predicted him a life full of suffering and degradation, since it was then believed that from masturbation they blinded and lost their mind. Drisdale subsequently revised his views and wrote a book explaining why marriages in the current version do not help people, advocating the spread of contraception and sexual freedom for women. He published it anonymously in order not to damage the family’s reputation.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna