— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I remember five years ago I was a student drunk. One of my teammates, suffering from the attention of a strange and drunk guy from our course, asked me to pretend she was my girlfriend. Say, embrace me and sit with me for half an hour until "this terrible little one is behind."

And I did it. Not so difficult. She even kissed me in the cheek a few times.

Then I just followed her from the universe to the stop. The man insisted not to give her peace. I then said a few rough words to him that he’t lie to “my girlfriend.” All in order to help a group. Not difficult though...

We did a good job pretending to meet. I hugged her and she kissed me in the cheek.

In short, she recently gave birth to my second child. Where did I go with help...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna