— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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One day, my former chemist from school invited me for tea. Well to do - my favorite student went to FMSH)) I come to her home and see the following picture with oil:
The teacher’s son is 5-6 years old. He stands at the table, on which lies an open chemistry textbook for the 8th grade on the subject of Ionic crystalline grids. The boy is trying to mix something in the water. I ask :

Do you disturb?

The salt!

And you know why salt and sugar dissolve well and chocolate doesn’t?

To which little gives out an entirely ingenious phrase:

The Chocolate Molecule! They are non-polar!!So they are not prone to dissociation in polar solvents!!! to

I thought I knew chemistry.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna