— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Borders and Customs.

Parents needed to be taken out, urgently, the mother was sick, and then the father fell asleep with a heart attack, I flew to Latvia, Finns, then explain - why they and why it was a mistake.
I'm nervous, not sleeping - the father, apparently, is working on a repeat heart attack, the mother is weak, how to bring them to Los Angeles - unclear...
The actors of the Riga Academic Theatre ate all the vodka, Kalnytsh no longer stood on his feet, they tired me quickly, the benefit of the flight between New York and Helsinki at seven o’clock.
I fly from Helsinki to Riga, empty airport, only our small aircraft, the suitcases are empty too, quickly passed the border guards and customs, I leave - no one meets...
A bad sign.
On a taxi home, Riga is dark, dark, waiting.
I run home, lie down, barely got up to meet, dad immediately started angina, nitroglycerin under the tongue, nitroglycerin ointment on the chest, released the breast frog, so what are you treating?
All treatment is correct, German drugs, but the formulas are familiar, correct, why is there no effect?! to
Where are the medicines?
Purchased for sale! Humanitarian aid, my former professor earned this dirty hashtag, fell...
But why doesn’t it work, right?
There was a simple guess - the medications were outdated, years of edak for five years.
Translated it to his drugs, from the United States, it is not fresh - his father changed his mind to die, gathered together, filled suitcases with what they could, ruined the nest - his father said with bitterness, the old people can not tolerate the changes...
They sold the apartment for money, gave all the property to old friends of my mother from Latgalia, on the way, with God.
This was my worst evacuation of sick people.
In Riga, one wheelchair for the entire airport, alternately I drive them to the border, one by one I pass the border, by hand on the plane, in an hour to Helsinki, a little better, the wheelchair there is enough for both, the Finnish foreigner was stuck - get up and pass, I told to call the elder, embarrassed, they went across the border.
So let’s sit down to fly, lords, give me seven hours, at home I know what to do, let’s fly, lords...
I know what I'm dealing with - unstable angina, a sure sign of an imminent heart attack, my father's heart is catching in rest.
And for my Jewish happiness - we do not take off, trouble, then, so, the ice must be melted, three hours on the brake stood, I cursed myself, it had to be through London or Amsterdam, fucking Finland.
And so I smile, I talk, I am entertaining my father, my mother was sleeping, I flew, the air was fresh, I gave my father nitroglycerin - bring him to the toilet, soon we are going to land, Kennedy, home!
It is necessary to pay tribute to the American workers of Finney - the wheelchairs at the entrance, they are first taken out of their hands, so it seems, everything, you can start to breathe easier...
How I was wrong! Don’t say hop until Chop has moved.
Parents flew through border controls and customs in minutes, in wheelchairs, customs officers still handed them suitcases.
Looking around, where is my son?
My son reminded...
At passport control, a beautiful high latinos, beautiful rarely work on federals, shame on my papers, and really weak, I have to admit.
I was tired and started to squeeze right, she told me to keep silent, another word and you will go in handcuffs, arrested.
Follow me in the border monkey, sit down and wait for the eldest.
He came, the old black man, looked at me, doctor? Is it one? - No, my parents are being treated in California, they are waiting for me, everything has passed, they are worried, probably.
He returned my papers, found the necessary excuse, ordered to release, advised not to experience the fate anymore, you will talk in an immigration prison, even send you nowhere, no passports, except for the passed Soviet, there is no... that is true, it is true, there is no.
Yes it passed!
And again I rushed, the customs, my two huge suitcases filled with bed linen, silver spoonfuls and part of the family service - the customsman did not immediately like it, the young man left for two weeks and brought a mountain of undeclared barrel.
from where?
Bring back your goodness, I always travel like this.
The red border guard, a Jew, with a strong Brooklyn accent — red from anger, why do you need 10 plates and 12 tablespoons for two weeks of travel?!?! to
I have an allergy...
What kind of allergy? He even wept out of anger, poor.
And one who prohibits the use of someone else's dishes or underwear, all his relationship with himself, nonsense, of course, but nothing better comes to mind.
Not that he believed me, most likely, I got him by my arrogance.
Burk - go on, go on.
He reunited with his parents, took us on an electric car to another terminal, took us to the plane on the wheelchairs, the stewardesses looked at the elderly and gave them two rows in the center, put them to sleep, treasure, night flight, half empty plane.
On the flight to California - sunrise, landing, the elderly are taken to relatives, home, the whole puppy in full composition - again together.
Come, your great works.

The following word.
The father was operated two weeks later, the mother was treated and they lived for many years, they traveled a lot, the mother scratched from the soul and bred flowers, the father went to the synagogue on Saturdays, on Thursdays - to the Philharmonic, a calm good careless old age...
What I wish you, reader.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna