— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Stories. Do you not think that the story here changes only in small nuances?

In this form, these tales cannot exist in their settings. No one would let the princess of Rusal communicate with the seafood and choose bridesmaids. To whom Dad showed, for that he went out. And in general, it is more logical for the son of a sea king to draw a human princess to a witch so that she can get a tail, than to hide herself somewhere with unclear prospects.

Cinderella is also the eldest son, the father's heir, there are no other male children in the family. It is unprofitable to hurt him, he will inherit and get rid of him. And he can escape at any time, a young man at that time has two orders more opportunities than an unmarried girl.

In order for it to work, it is necessary to move the action into modernity, which is not so interesting anymore.


The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna