— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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> who in 2017 will come to the mind to try as a password the serial wheel of ninety wool year

All this has long been in the dictionaries of passwords along with the anatomically determined “random” asfjldkjasf and ladsfjpewriffcds, as well as the “tricky” zyfcfvjvltktlehfr. Something directly, something generational patterns. Well, and the shredder carries them from all the doors until it picks up. Don’t be afraid of brute force, but of an optimized brute force that understands your pale intracranial and finger joint correlations. He will pick up and lasdfkasdf, and zevfvslehfxjr, he has not correct horse battery staple yet to the teeth, because the words are many, they are random and do not form a phrase. But they were not invented by a man, but by a randomizer, and the man had already invented a meaning to remember. There are no blank correlations.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna