— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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There are two countries on the globe: Russia and Israel. They say there is somewhere else in the United States, but whoever has seen it must be lying.
What people are pulling to Israel is unclear. Even more unclear is how they are still alive there at all – HELL!

Well, if the US is there, then it’s okay! The truth is there, to raise the farm in general, you do not need to live in the hell on the bullets, guard it with a gun in your hands and smell it from morning to evening. Everyone knows that in the U.S. officials themselves valentine on the fields!

As for Israel, a joke will help you:
When a Jew died, they decided to send him to hell in heaven. He got into the elevator and started going down. Driving a long time. The elevator finally stopped.
Around the field without an end. The gardens further. at the horizon. He is a Jew, and he does not know where he is. Suddenly he sees a man on a tractor. He went to him:
Brother, is it hell?
and Hell.
Why is it so beautiful here?? to
You would have seen it in the 48th!

My friends do business in Israel, the United States, Argentina, Africa, India... And horror, in Russia! You won’t believe, comrade, it’s hard for everyone. Everyone pulls out.
But you can sit and wait until the officials repent and come to ask you to open the case. Also honestly.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna