— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Women have preserved more of the primitive magical culture in the modern world. This also relates to the excitement of cars. Mother, for example, is a car driver – if she doesn’t notice a hole or hole/curve edge and the car shakes, she apologizes to the fork. He rides and apologizes. My brother offered us a million times to drop down and change my mother’s car for a new one, but she was categorically against – she had this car like a pet. And you say, because of the voice novator someone was upset! Yes, the speaking machine in the mind of the lady, probably, was generally an equal companion of the motorist, and the machine was so brutally betrayed))) The next time answer not "was thrown out, because the old", and "was sent to rest, because it worked out already"))))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna