— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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One morning, being very unhealthy, our commander built all the sergeants to give the puzzles. I was reluctant to get up from the edge and the question – “Why is it so cool?” – came to me. Having come up with an apparently bad answer, I quickly grabbed my fist into the dune. Well, I picked up and okay, it’s usual.
When I arrived at lunch to report his arrival, our captain was in contact with the headquarters of the headquarters... He immediately asked where I had the blue on my mouth. What to answer? I could not say, when I was a senior commander, that you were me, comrade captain, who in the morning was stunned and issued a duty - "I fought with Sergeant Berdnikov in a joke, I struck."
Call his court says... I went after an innocent fellow servant.
-In order to fight it was not difficult, you go in turn for all the holidays in a row and change each other every day....How Igor broke up and angered sincerely, I was sorry for him then, flying in the same place... But this is not all...
When I went in the evening to report that I was ready, I heard the following: "Sir, you're really a fool? How did you dress up with Finn? Let Berdnikov himself change all the holidays in dress.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna