— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From the discussion of the post "How programmers are no longer allowed to do anything" on the Hebra:
Yes, just each of these “entrepreneurs”, “managers”, “marketologists” and other giftless and fat-eating people understands how insignificant he is compared to the average programmer. They try to move everybody. The abundance of engineering education, abstract thinking, extraordinary analytical abilities and the broadest horizon - all this allows the engineer to easily (compared to ordinary mortals) understand anything. We penetrate the essence of things with our sharp mind, but they are hostages of their countless misconceptions and cognitive distortions. Stop being embarrassed, acknowledge the obvious: we are better. Compared to us, they are like monkeys.
The Green Goblin said.
It exploded in the voice. I'll probably keep it in memory, I'll read it again in dark times :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna