— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Recalled after the story about the police
In the summer of 94, in the middle of the night, I came from Moscow; I went to VDNH for a TV, twice as cheap as us. Disembarked from the train at two o’clock at night, he headed home with a “pistolas” carrying the same TV.
After one and a half hours of public transportation, a machine with the "light" turned off runs, and mint comes out of it... A small one - a meter of sixty, if not less, thin. The features of the face are sharp, the eyes evil, sharp as nails - shorter, unpleasant type. And he begins to cede words, such as, what fucking Moscow, and the passport on the "box" - lying, and unpacking (and the box crumbled), and you bombed the store, and I am here. Wearing handcuffs? In the monkey house you sit at night, then you go home.
He, most importantly, was taken out of the car - like Serog, okay, well, let it go, fuck him and his TV... And Serogah is waving and pressing on. The situation was worsened by the fact that I was eighty-five meters tall and looked at him from above.
Finally, he rejoiced, threw my passport and television passports under his feet, knocked on the box with the TV (supposedly accidentally hitting my leg), got into the car and drove. I go on, blowing... blowing. Here is the bridge passed, one square passed, here is the second I go out, behind it my street...
Again overtaken the mentovskaya "Jiguli" - fucking, again! Almost in front of the house. It was just not enough - again to climb into the box for a passport on the TV, again to uncover the device and show it, again to dive on the TV, or still to catch up! The fucking...
Slowly and relentlessly, you can say, in parts, the car is taken out... As they called such in my childhood, "Uncle Misha" - such a huge man, two meters in height, the armor does not come together, short in the lap like a toy, the physium is calm-looking, even a little sleepy. See also. It is silent. Finally, “Where are you going?” Flegmatically so. I: “From Moscow, from VDNH. The TV goes. My house is in this street. I can show the passport," - "You are bombarded," - "Yes, I almost came, 50 meters are left." He stood up, thinking, “Well go. Good luck,” he drove in the same way in parts into the car, and she sat down and left. This is the whole conversation.
Nothing like special, but what are the types and contrasts, right?
I got there, the TV still works perfectly.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna