— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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You understand what it is about... you evaluate it all from the point of view of rational behavior and logic. Everything seems right and logical. But do not measure yourself, believe them, they are not hypocrites. Unfortunately, they are really so fucking. Not all, but most of it.

We are not fucking (at least not more than you). We just like you, love to measure whispers. Yes, between the girls. Nothing human is foreign to us. Therefore, we try to look "greater" and clamp-smash-clamp on yourself a lot of what you, men, don’t like at all (a type of crocheted crochet summer boots or eyebrows in the thick finger) and draw on your nails on your feet hundreds of patterns, which most of you will not even pay attention to. Dancing is also one way. Often you have nothing to do with it. Such things.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna