— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A girl comes in front of me in a trolleybus. Three bags, an umbrella, a backpack and an avoska. I am on my shoulder (I bow under two meters), but thin and thin. I saw the only free spot - and jumped on it! She put a huge bag under her feet, determined the bag to be smaller from the top, threw a backpack on her knees, immediately hanged a wet umbrella on some undetectable screw, and twisted an avoska somewhere in two accounts. Everything is fast, sophisticated, and so everything is fine with her, and it looks fun and awkward that I couldn't stand, I was angry. It’s a long day at work in the morning, and this one too. As if somebody could be harder than me.
“Girl,” I say, “will you give me a place? I do not feel well.
Of course! - smiles, and in a moment of the eye everything is again on it in reverse order: avos, umbrella, backpack, bags.
Please sit down, he said.
So what, I sat down. The desire to portray the patient has almost disappeared, but the anger is still bursting: what is this whistleblower, is it hanging out?! to
Give me my bags on my knees.
You are, they are heavy. I am here soon to go out, a couple of stops of everything, - and again smiles.
I had to go to the next.
But I, of course, did not go out the next, and I went with her to the end and helped carry the heavy bags home. Although she turned away. I, he says, two weeks on the mountains and their slopes carried, so I will bring home.
All 25 kilos?? to
There are only 23 here, he laughs. “Al I still had a backpack with food, it was plus ten.
Of course, it is easy now, well. And it was only 48 and a half kilos at the time, for a minute.
That’s why I know so exactly – now, after the third child, she’s grown to 50 kg.
On my hands, I wear dust. There is nothing heavier than a box of sweets. But she is an instructor of mountain tourism, she is forbidden. She even laughs at me - I should complain that something is hard, she laughs: take you on the pen? I stopped complaining, I am ashamed.
But something tells me – if it’s really hard, my beloved wife will smile on her fragile shoulders with bags, children and me, and easily and amusedly pull into the cave known only to her by the shortest route.

I am here for it all. Give girls a place in public transportation. The feeling of guilt is, fucking, a terribly strong feeling.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna