— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In France, an optimist, a pessimist and a bored man was executed. The optimist was first brought to the guillotine and asked his last wish. He replied, “Life was so beautiful and interesting! Please put me face up. It would be interesting to see the knife fall. They put him face up, pulled the lever, and the knife scratched and stopped over the neck itself. As usual, he was pardoned. Ask the pessimist about his last wish. He said, “Life was so ugly! And there’s that knife... And the bloodthirsty crowd... Close my eyes and shut my ears with cotton. His wish was fulfilled, the lever was pulled, but the knife scratched again and stopped over his neck. He was also pardoned, according to custom. Zanuuda asks, “Is it your last wish?” - The last wish, the last wish... It would be better to fix the guillotine.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna