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Grandson of Santa

The story of Santa Claus’s memoirs. I warn you that it will be fun. As far as I remember, my childhood, though it was happy, rich it is hard to call. First rebuilding, then the fun 90s. My father died in (yes, the same place where we like to organize races on turtles), my mother was a kindergarten teacher with a salary of 10 kilograms of strawberries a month (who remembers 1992-1993 will understand). And all this – against the backdrop of the abundance of imports. Today’s children don’t understand what it was like in the early 1990s to eat Snickers at a school shift or go out to the yard with a cassette. As you can see, with a monthly budget of 10 kilograms, the Snickers on the shift, and even more so, the magnetophone in the yard were excluded. Yes, I myself understood everything very well, and I didn’t even talk about such things.

So when I received the Sony Walkman as a gift on January 1, 1993, my condition was close to shock. First, at that time it was cooler than the iPhone X and Apple Watch combined. Secondly, I understood that the next six months of strawberries per month will be twice as little. “Mom, where did you come from? Don’t worry, I gave it to you at work.” In short, before the summer I was in school if not a king, then noble blood.

And only a few years later I learned that for the sake of the player my mom worked for several months on the floor as a cleaner in the same garden.

Now I am an adult, about the same age as I was in my mother’s years. I earn more than well. But I can’t force my mom to agree to some expensive purchase (“You need to save money for a new car / apartment / country.”) Those of you who lived in the 90s will understand me. Every time you have to figure out where the gift comes from. Tourist tour - "Yes, this is a advertising tour with a discount of 50%, you need to take." TV - bonuses from the store, phone - "We have it here twice as cheap as you have in Russia." According to experience, it is best to take tickets to the theater "for bonuses of a cellular operator, which if not spent now - in a week will burn."

Here and now took her tickets for a concert in the Kremlin, "the tickets were missing from friends, whose company sponsors this concert", and in the eyes of the glowing of happiness 13-year-old boy with the player in his hands, and the tears turn.

My dear ones, my advice to you: before it is too late - please your parents. Even though they are old, they still believe in miracles. Well, the modern “miracles” options I wrote to you.

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