— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In 2001 I bought my first apartment. In a two-storey house with two entrances. In each entrance four apartments, two on the ground floor.
I bought on the second, on the first one apartment was empty, and in the other lived a strange family - two women and three children.
One of the women was very nice, named Tatiana, always polite greeting me and stopped talking - how the repair and so on. The other was a foolish hysteric, constantly wept on the children with a good mat, turning into a whisper of envy of the circular pile. Then they broke down and fought.
I could not understand how such different women get along with each other. I was very sorry for Tatiana.

It took me about six months to find out that there was no second woman.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna